I am sorry to report that due to injuries to my hands that I sustained earlier in the week in rescuing my cat Oliver from a very serious household accident I will be unable to teach at the AQS Des Moines Show this week.
I apologize to all the quilters who have signed up and were looking forward to time with me to improve their quilting. ER doctors as well as my internist have assessed the damage to my thumbs and hands and said I must rest them until healing is complete or risk further damage to nerves. I am on a strong antibiotic cocktail of several meds and the side effects are also giving me some serious symptoms.
Travel would be too difficult and I can't use my hands normally now. No scissors, picking anything up, much less actual quilting at the machine are in my future for awhile.
Oliver is doing well after surgery. I hope you all understand that accidents just jump out at you from nowhere and happen to all of us despite our best intentions to fulfill our obligations.
AQS has found another teacher, Joanie Poole, to fill in at very short notice and she will do her best for you. Take a look at her work at www.heirloomquiltingdesigns.com Her students have given her excellent reviews.
Please send some healing thoughts my way, and thanks for understanding.
In My Heart QAL Check-in #6
1 day ago