Thursday, February 21, 2013

Is it REALLY 2013??

It is frozen "everything" here in Wisconsin, frozen windows, frozen feet and hands and face, frozen food being used for meals as it is too nasty to venture forth to buy fresh.  After two mild winters we are getting hit by cold and ice and snow and rain and frozen rain.  I slip and slide to the mailbox only to find its frozen side is smashed in and snow has sifted inside on my letters. 
Fortunately Oliver and I are cozy and safe and warm inside, with no trips to worry about, no flights missed. I've been cooking some marvelous meals, rediscovering some simple pleasures of home.   However, cabin fever could be looming, so we are hoping for some spring-like days soon.  Ha.....
I have meant to catch up here and post some information for you quilters but days go by and we are hibernating and I forget all about it.  I had an injury to my wrist/thumb from doing something dumb, sweeping the floor, and it's better but not great yet.  I try to be careful but I think it's going to be one of those things that flares up all the time and keeps me reading books or watching TV and not quilting.
One of the most exciting things recently was my trip to the pet store where I found a pot of wheat grass for Oliver.  I had to go next door to the import shop and pick up a pretty basket for it too.  I brought it home, wondering if he'd even know about grass, being an indoor boy his entire life, but wow he dived in and sniffed and nibbled and got big eyes and a pink nose. 
The first pot lasted 3 weeks with his nibbling, and I gave the grass daily showers in the sink.  Then we discovered it is available for people at the grocery store.   I bought the next batch there, organic, fresh, 3 times the size of the cat stuff.  I guess I should be eating this???  When I trim the tips it smells like freshly mowed grass.  Really?  I should be eating this?  Oliver is eating it and likes it a lot; not quite as much as that which was designated especially for cats, but still, he likes it.
So.....Happy 2013!  Sorry to be so long in posting; I am keeping track of things quilty, but enjoying some time off from it.  I do have some things I will post soon, and hope all of you are making use of this time of year and quilting something you love.
My best wishes to everyone for 2013 and I hope our paths will cross.
Keep quilting; your work gets better every day!


  1. I never thought of getting the people kind for the cats! Thank you for the tip!

  2. Missy, the label on the cat kind said "organic wheat grass" and so does the People Grass, so DH got it as a surprise and we discussed and decided to let Oliver decide. I had some doubts, but gosh, my previous cats ate lawn grass and survived. Oliver loves it and doesn't throw it up, just grazes and gets the joy of it. Honestly, I don't think he is really ingesting much, just nibbling.

  3. Diane I too had a wrist injury back in December, which has put a complete halt to sewing and quilting. I broke my right wrist pretty badly and had surgery and now in therapy. I've still got a long way to go, but I am hopeful to be quilting again this year. Take care, and maybe see a hand therapist. They specialize in hand treatments and can help you not have lasting flare ups.

    Stay warm!


  4. Jocelyn, So sorry to hear about your wrist but glad you are healing. I do have a hand specialist and if this doesn't improve soon I'll have to see what she says. I think it's ok, then I do some movement or action and it is achey again. Back to a good book.....

  5. I live in WI too, so I hear what you're saying. In preparation for yet another snowstorm on its way, I decided today would be a really good day to baste two very large quilts so I can quilt them while being stuck in the house. I also find myself catching up on personal projects inbetween quilting customer quilts, so as much as I'm anxious for spring, sometimes winter isn't all bad! lol Trudy

  6. This is when I wish blogger had a "like" feature so I could just "like" this post. I like all you said, and I agree, thanks,

  7. Sorry to hear that you have more than your share of "winter" in WI. Sadly, California has had a very mild one and if we keep up with the near zero snowfall we will most definitely have a drought this summer.
    I have 5 kitties of my own and a foster kitty and all of them love the wheat grass. When I brought it home I wondered, as you did, if they would know what to do with it because they have never been outside. It took all of them about 10 seconds to dive in. :)
    Have a great weekend!

  8. It's good to "see" you. I had wondered where you were. I hope you are mended and quilting again soon. Thanks for the beautiful "ice" feathers - lots of inspiration for fmq there!! Lynne.

  9. Hope you're back to 100% health soon. I, too, recommend a hand therapist for some strengthening exercises. Worked wonders when I broke my wrist back in November. Am now able to knit and quilt.

    And so glad to see even this brief note from you. Hope you hear more from you soon.

  10. Hoping you'll soon be back to 100% health. And I also recommend a hand therapist for some strengthening exercises. Helped immensely when I broke my wrist back in November. I'm now able to knit and quilt. Therapist and doctor recommended for mobility.

    And glad to see even this brief note from you. Looking forward to more soon.

  11. Hey Diane,

    Welcome back!! I've really missed you and hoped you were doing okay. It's good to see you. :)
    Take care of yourself and Oliver and stay warm.
    Maggie in Arizona

  12. Esther, thanks!! I knew I had nothing to say but had to say it anyway, glad you liked it.

    Bouts, the "ice feathers" are beautiful, on my bedroom window. I couldn't believe how intricate and yes, organic, they became with ever colder weather.

    Dawn, I did not know about the wheat grass! I don't think it took Oliver even 10 seconds, he was so thrilled to see something green and alive on the counter top, being a Vegan cat and all. Congrats on being a foster mom - that is such a wonderful thing to do.

    I will try and get a better photo of Oliver now that the grass is on the kitchen island and I can see his cute face peering through it. The people version is much healthier and stronger than the first cat batch of it.

    We (Oliver and I) are going to try and sort through things in my long un-used sewing room today. We had 6" snow overnight and perhaps more on the way for later....groan.

  13. Hi Diane
    Belated Happy New Year - I was really missing your blog. So sorry to hear about your injury - do hope you recover quickly - although this could be a good chance to catch up on your reading. I can't believe how much snow you have - and to think I was getting excited about the few flakes that were falling here in London today!


  14. Diane, so glad you are back in "blog land"!! Misssed reading your information on machine quilting.

    Sorry to hear about your injury. Reading is good therapy

  15. Whew-you're back-missed you! Looking forward to hearing more about what you're up to. Glad that you are just laying out a bit-renew and refresh!

  16. Hello Diane from warm and sunny Nelson, New Zealand. Like the others it;s good to hear from you again. Even though it,s summer [we live in the best part of New Zealand, full of overseas tourists] I still find time to quilt.
    Best regards, Bev

  17. Welcome back Diane! My vet told me some cats just like to 'graze' and that it has nothing to do with any vitamin deficiency. So best of luck to Oliver.

  18. Living in So. Cal. I really can't complain about winter, but I'm so ready for Winter to be gone. Do be careful as a slip on the ice can be serious. Sometimes best to stay inside, quilt, listen to music, watch Oliver.

    Glad you discovered cat grass. Healthy treat for cats. I like to think of it as a vegan salad for cats. And probably a healthy meal for humans too.....but I'm not yet ready to make that jump!


  19. It is snowing here in Ohio today and yes I'm tired of Winter and wishing for Spring to come soon :)

  20. You can also purchase seeds to plant your own kitty grass so that you always have it available. We purchased seeds at Jungs' and at Foster & Smith, both WI companies. Our cat WAS an outdoor cat when he came to us, so it has been a battle to keep him in. My husband "walks" (herds) him outside. He loves his grass.

  21. Diane,

    So good to see an updated post from you! Happy "belated" New Year to you - sending healing thoughts your way because I want to see more of your amazing quilting!!!
