Thursday, March 28, 2013


This beautiful collection of Ukrainian eggs by Carolyn Trout is the perfect harbinger of Spring!  Hope your celebration is splendid and joyful. 
Oliver and I are sorting through my sewing room and finding interesting things, and missing what we are really seeking.  Things seem to disappear easily in there, and we look for an hour at most, then move on.  They will surface some day.
The birds have returned, snow is receding like large slow glaciers melting, a house fly came to life in the window sill today and gave Oliver a good chase.  Signs of life are everywhere, spring is definitely arriving.
"Twilight Feathers" ~ Detail
Scraps and samples from the quilt above were found in a bottom drawer.  We vaguely remembered this one as a Pilgrim and Roy Challenge Auction quilt for the National Quilt Museum several years ago.  I finish these quilts and ship them in days, still hot from the machine, so it's no wonder they are forgotten quickly.  I hope whoever owns it still is enjoying it.  I'm working on a small one for the November Celebrity Invitational AAQI auction, just beginning to quilt a bit now and then as my thumb and wrist improve. 
I am so pleased many of you are trying the recent tutorial on Celtic Bubbles and having success!  My email is if you have photos to share.  Working on this design should not only give you something new for your quilting repertoire, but help improve the quality of your quilting, more even stitches, better control, better spacing, better everything. 
Happy Spring, and keep quilting!  Your work gets better every day.....


  1. Loved your bowl of Ukranian Easter eggs, Diane. It reminded me to find mine. Thanks for posting more lately. It's always good to hear what you and Oliver are up to.

  2. I made a cute Easter runner and quilted the background with bubbles. They got better and better and I will try it again for sure. I forgot to get a picture but I asked my daughter to send me one.. When I get it I will email you a copy.

  3. Oliver and I had a good Easter, rolled a few eggs around the family room floor. Notion Nanny, excellent! I'm so glad you used them right away, and YES, they get better the more you do. It's like quilting training - gets you in shape for all the FMQ you do.

  4. Your work is so exquisite. I panic each time I begin to quilt something. One day pehaps I could be HALF as good! Thanks for your lovely blog.

  5. Hi Dianne, I love your blog. I have bought both your books; Quilt Savvy and Guide to machine Quilting; which I would recommend to anyone interested in FMQ, novices or experienced. I have found your books educational and inspiring.
    Best wishes Pam

  6. Hi! Wanted you to be sure to know that your LOG CABIN REVISTED is Carolina Cotton Company's Favorite Quilt of the Day for May 22, 2013, LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Wondeful colors with design/pattern...perfectly done quilting! Wow! It is being featured by your link to it on our facebook page at
