Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Oliver is 3 Years Old!

We made it!  Oliver turns 3 today, despite eating thread, escaping to the wilds of our yard once, eating tape, eating styrofoam, eating whatever isn't normal for cats to eat.  Oliver is our dear adopted cat from the Wisconsin Humane Society, and he has finally figured out we are his forever people.

Last year we celebrated with a delicious fudge cake and a #2 candle.  This year it is all about Oliver, so his favorite food (he is a cat Vegan) is Brussels sprouts, so I hollowed them out, added candles (his Dad wanted to light them, NOT!) and woke him up from a nap for the photo op.

He looks tired and crusty, not his usual pink-nosed self, but he perked up immediately when the delightful aroma of fresh sprouts wafted about him.  Tuna?  No way.  He loves his veggies and dry cat food and lots and lots of water from any faucet in the house. 

What a wonderful cat he is, and how happy he made us, two retirees who were worried we were too old for a cat.  He keeps us young and gives us love and fun and joy. 

Happy, happy birthday, Oliver.

Oliver at WI Humane Society

One Year Old

Oliver at Two !


  1. Happy birthday, Oliver! What a treasure he sounds ;-)

  2. Too cute - Oliver and his veggie cupcakes! Too old for a cat - we're NEVER too old for a furry bundle of purrs - Happy Birthday Oliver and his forever family!

  3. Awww, happy birthday, Oliver! I never knew a vegan cat :-) Yes, we hesitated before getting Annabella two years ago, but I've already had several friends suggest putting them in my will to inherit her -- gee, thanks, pals, but I'm not ready to go yet! Oliver is one handsome guy!

  4. Happy Birthday Oliver!!! Three years old. How young still and you're looking great.
    Those brussles sprouts don't look real yummy, I hope you got some good stuff too.....
    Have a great day and big hug from all of us!
    Arie,Bram, Cees and Dirk
    (our mom's blog is Quilts, Cats and Automobiles)

  5. A couple of my cats like salad, I'll have to see if they will eat brussel sprouts!

  6. Our little kitty is a 'rescue' from the MN Humane Society in Winona and is wonderful (although he thinks he is more of a dog than cat, the way he follows us around and has such a strange meow/bark sound!!!). Happy Birthday, Oliver!!

  7. Thanks everyone! Oliver is in our "estate planning" and will be provided for :-)

    He loved the sprout cupcakes, and visited them for munchies throughout the day. Probably would be good for me too.

    I think saved cats especially always "know" and never take it for granted. He is very secure, runs the house, but every now and then worries a bit.

    Doreen, we had Arnie, also orange/white, who was truly more of a dog than a cat, the most mellow cat ever. He appeared out of the woods and just stayed until we brought him in at our last house.

    Oliver still squeaks his meows, and only gets going on symphonic noises when a visiting neighbor cat sometimes appears at the front door. Then he can vocalize beautifully. They all sound so different.

    He is having a grand day so far.

  8. Happy Birthday, Oliver! It's hard to believe that you're already three! Our Bisou (a cocker spaniel) loves her veggies, too, and she adores playing with the kitties at our dog sitter's home when we go away. :)

  9. Bianca, I have visited your blog before - nice!

  10. Such a sweet post. We have rescued 4 cats and I totally agree. We are without a cat at the moment - still hoping a stray will find us. Happy Birthday Oliver!

  11. Karen, I hoped for a stray for the two months we did not have a cat, and then we found Oliver, needing a home, and that was that. We had a stray just once in the 18 years here, and we fed her, captured her and she went to our local humane shelter where she was adopted.
    I hope a stray finds you! Sometimes I think there might be a halo around homes that only cats can see and know where to go.

  12. What a fun and sweet post. Happy Birthday Oliver!


  13. Thanks Jocelyn, perhaps Oliver needs his own blog.....:-)

  14. Happy Birthday Oliver! May all your days be filled with cuddles, kitty adventures and fresh sprouts!

  15. Happy Birthday Oliver!

    He is a gorgeous cat!

    We have always had at least one cat here. Currently Jasper is king of the mansion...or so he thinks!

  16. Happy Birthday Oliver! You are one lucky kitty to have survived eating all those naughty things.


  17. Smokey and Lucky send their birthday wishes to Oliver. They are somewhat older, but still have birthdays too. I don't know if they like veggies, but I may try some just to see. They are very spoiled and are very persnickety about what they eat.

    Happy Birthday Oliver and parents!! You sure are a pretty kitty. I love your pose at the end of momma's post.

  18. Yay, Oliver!! and you GO, eating those brussels sprouts. :D lol silly kitty. reminds me of our long-ago beloved Totters - a ginger who LOVED cantaloupe.
