Thursday, February 21, 2013

Is it REALLY 2013??

It is frozen "everything" here in Wisconsin, frozen windows, frozen feet and hands and face, frozen food being used for meals as it is too nasty to venture forth to buy fresh.  After two mild winters we are getting hit by cold and ice and snow and rain and frozen rain.  I slip and slide to the mailbox only to find its frozen side is smashed in and snow has sifted inside on my letters. 
Fortunately Oliver and I are cozy and safe and warm inside, with no trips to worry about, no flights missed. I've been cooking some marvelous meals, rediscovering some simple pleasures of home.   However, cabin fever could be looming, so we are hoping for some spring-like days soon.  Ha.....
I have meant to catch up here and post some information for you quilters but days go by and we are hibernating and I forget all about it.  I had an injury to my wrist/thumb from doing something dumb, sweeping the floor, and it's better but not great yet.  I try to be careful but I think it's going to be one of those things that flares up all the time and keeps me reading books or watching TV and not quilting.
One of the most exciting things recently was my trip to the pet store where I found a pot of wheat grass for Oliver.  I had to go next door to the import shop and pick up a pretty basket for it too.  I brought it home, wondering if he'd even know about grass, being an indoor boy his entire life, but wow he dived in and sniffed and nibbled and got big eyes and a pink nose. 
The first pot lasted 3 weeks with his nibbling, and I gave the grass daily showers in the sink.  Then we discovered it is available for people at the grocery store.   I bought the next batch there, organic, fresh, 3 times the size of the cat stuff.  I guess I should be eating this???  When I trim the tips it smells like freshly mowed grass.  Really?  I should be eating this?  Oliver is eating it and likes it a lot; not quite as much as that which was designated especially for cats, but still, he likes it.
So.....Happy 2013!  Sorry to be so long in posting; I am keeping track of things quilty, but enjoying some time off from it.  I do have some things I will post soon, and hope all of you are making use of this time of year and quilting something you love.
My best wishes to everyone for 2013 and I hope our paths will cross.
Keep quilting; your work gets better every day!