Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thank You....

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day here in the USA, and we are preparing for a day of delicious food, and a day of giving thanks. 
It is special to set aside a day to think about all we are grateful for, to share it with family and friends, or maybe just a dear little cat.  I am thankful for so much, and as I chop veggies, roast the turkey, set the table, I will be thinking of so many of you who have enriched my life beyond compare. 
The people and places of quilting have given me so many memories, funny, exhiliarating, exasperating, heartwarming, all in a very special place in my heart.  For that I thank all of you, and wish you the very best Thanksgiving and holiday season, with much to celebrate.  Oliver will be helping me cook, especially the Brussels sprouts and yams, as we settle in here in very cold Wisconsin for a yummy meal and look forward to a cozy winter.
May your day be warm and wonderful, food delicious, friends and family there for you, and memories to be made for the future.  Enjoy,

Monday, November 4, 2013

AAQI Reaches $1 Million!!

Congratulations to Ami Simms and her Alzheimer's Art Quilt Iniatiative for reaching the $1 million mark at Houston last week!  Above, Ricky Timms and Alex Anderson helping Ami celebrate this remarkable amazing splendiferous achievement!
I am honored to have had a quilt in the very first AAQI traveling exhibit and book, and now have my second quilt, "Return to Provence" in the Celebrity Invitational Auction at
The quilts are made by famous quilters, are so very beautiful, and are the last big chance for all of us to support AAQI and make the final amount raised even higher! 
Special thanks to Ami and her thousands of helpers and volunteers who made this happen, to quilters who made quilts, sold quilts, bought quilts, shipped quilts, helped at the exhibits, did it all.  Quilters rock!!!! 
Below, photos of my quilt in the auction, but please buy one that speaks to you; they are all works of art, all special and unique and original. 
The auction is on now, and runs through 10 p.m. Nov. 10 (I earlier mistakenly said Nov.6).  Here is the link for bidding:   
Thank you to all who even consider bidding - all of us who have loved ones, friends, dear people affected by Alzheimer's can't even begin to tell you how much you are treasured for helping this cause.