Arnie and I are 'home alone' this Labor Day weekend. He is sleeping. Then he wakes up and moves over and sleeps some more. Perhaps later in the day we will sit on the front stoop and watch the dogs and owners walk by and say hi. And then sleep some more.
I am busy getting my supplies and handouts ready for my upcoming classes in Brainerd, MN. I should be able to do this in my sleep by now, and I'm sure Arnie could, but it is always a big job.
Things are moving very slowly here in Wisconsin this weekend. It is a lazy, late summer day, the smell of Fall in the air but yet it is very warm and still. We listen to the late summer insects humming, and feel an expectancy of bright crisp days ahead.
Enjoy your weekend, relax, maybe do some quilting.
I am VERY envious of Arnie!
Hey Diane, you deserve a lazy, labor day. Enjoyed the class in August in Paducah. Your teaching skills have so improved over the years and I do beleive that you are finally comfortable in front of "inquiring minds and spirits". Thank you for sharing your talents and suggestions with all of us that want to do quality work.
Arnie has certainly been a hard working cat. Glad to see he is getting some time to catnaps, over labor day weekend.
Beautiful quilt too. Thanks for sharing.
Arnie sure has worked so hard. So glad that he can take the weekend to catch up on his rest.
Thanks Marty! I have learned to slow down, just like I tell everyone in class. Take it one thing at a time - the big picture is always too overwhelming. And I watch and listen to students and see their problems and try and come up with ways to make those problems go away.
Arnie is strolling around the house outdoors now, enjoying the smells and views. He is a real cat's cat, but sometimes when he was in his prime was mistaken for a small Sheltie dog by children, amazed at his staure and that he would go for walks on a leash. He prefers the company of dogs to cats as well. We just call him our Little Guy. Sweetness all wrapped up in a handsome fur coat.
Happy Fall, Diane!
Arnie has the right idea ! We should all take lessons from him.
If only all the cats in the world could have caretakers like Miss D. Joan
Hi Diane. Had a visit from Suzanne (Empty Spools) and a group of British quilters who had just finished classes. They toured my studio and oohed and aahed at the Down to Earth piece with all those great techniques I learned last March. Then they toured Pat Riley, the painted lady's studio where we all had ollalieberry pie. Then it was back on the road heading south for other studio visits and shops. It was such fun. Sorry I'm not in MInnesota to see you in Brainerd. Maybe next time. My Shotgun Sam (cat) is breaking in the latest quilt as I type. Cheers.
Sounds wonderful, especially the pie - wish I could have been there too. Aren't you pleased they so admired your quilting! All that hard work we did was so worth it. LOL!
I can't decide which is more beautiful; the cat or the quilt!
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