My dear cat Arnie passed away on December 15, suddenly, of heart failure after battling hyperthyroidism. I know those of you who have pets understand. He was with me for 17 years, came out of the woods and adopted us, became a part of our hearts. He was the sweetest little guy, and life just won't be the same without him. He had a great life with us, and I do think he gave us more than we did him. What a cat!
We muddled along through the holidays, mostly at home alone, and now have to get going on work again. Today I am going into my sewing room and maybe crank up the machine and get the oil moving, and see if I can still remember how to quilt. It is bitter cold here in Wisconsin so have no urge to go out and about.
Arnie, above, last fall in the last warmth of sunny days on the front steps. I think maybe he'd want me to start quilting again.
Wishing all of you the very best for 2010, see you in class!
Hi-I am so sorry about Arnie--I lost my little dog last May--it is still so quiet around the house---animals teach us much more than we will ever teach them.....
We're pet-less for the first time in many years too - have been since June when we lost our cat. So yes, I know how hard it is. I'm sorry that you lost Arnie - remember the many good times you had with him, and it gets easier each day (just like your saying that your quilting gets better every day).
So sorry for your loss of Arnie, I know he was loved and will be missed.
I'm so sorry for your loss, Diane. I know how devastating it can be; we've lost several dogs over the years, and it's never easy. Each time one leaves us, my husband says it's time to forget about having pets, but I can't see myself without a dog around to cuddle with. :)
It is so sad that you have lost a good warm and fuzzy friend, and it leaves such a huge hole in our world when they leave us. He would want you to keep going...
Beth- Near Chicago
So sorry to hear about Arnie. I loved it when you included him in your pictures. He certainly was a beauty.
Arnie looks very happy in that sunspot photo. Sorry for your loss.
Diane, I'm so very sorry. I know the pain. You are not meant to be without a furry friend. Your heart needs one.
Thanks so much everyone. I couldn't post this news right away, but Arnie was part of my blog, here by my side when I wrote it, comforted by my presence and so happy to see me clicking away at the computer to talk to all of you. Don't know yet about a new cat, but they do seem to find their way to my door somehow.
Really empathise with your loss! A few years ago we lost our dog on Boxing Day. We swore that we could never get another but the house was very empty.
Nearly four years ago we were handed a puppy, as different as could be to our last dog and about a tenth of the size! (A tiny Yorkie)
She is a delight and squeezes in behind me on the chair as I quilt!
You will know when it is time to let another companion into your life. :o)
Diane: I, too know how hard it is to lose a pet, I have lost several over the years. Keep your heart open. A new furry friend is waiting for you, I'm sure. Hugs, Debby
I'm so sorry about Arnie. It seems like he was a truly wonderful cat.
I am so sorry for your loss. They leave such a hole in our lives.
I can empathize with you and your loss. Arnie will live forever in your heart and memory and soul. That brings warmth and a smile.
I too lost a beloved Dickens puss of 17 years. She was a spit fire! And, oh so loved!!!
We have moved on. It happens. There are new pets in our lives now, but their predecessors are never forgotten!
I have been practicing and developing my free motion quilting skills thanks to you, your books and your blog. I had missed you in your absence. Glad you're back.
Hi Diane,
Our loving companions give us so much and enrich our lives. They are such wonderful company while we are quilting, and I do believe they help us to relax and enjoy our stitching even more so. I have followed and been inspired by you and your work for several years. My quilting has gone to the next level because I have listened to your advice and practiced what you have taught me through your books and blog postings. I share your sorrow in the loss of Arnie. He deserves your grief at this time. Wishing you continued success in all you do.
Many Thanks,
LuAnn in Oregon
I'm sorry Diane for your lost of your faithful family member and yes Arnie would want you to quilt
Thanks so much everyone. It is so quiet and empty without my litle guy with me but I feel so much better now having shared my news, and reading your comforting comments.
Oh, Diane, I am so sorry to hear this news. As I posted on my comment on the previous post, we lost both of our elderly kitties last year as well. It is so hard when we have to let them go so I know the pain you are in. After we lost the second one, we went to the Humane Society a couple of days later and brought home two new kitties that were close in age. Even though we still had 2 at home, it felt empty after having had 4 for so many years, so now we have 4 again. I just started a blog in late December and have posted pictures of my "Quality Control" team, aka the cats, if you want to check them out. You will know when the time is right to get some new kitties and yes, Arnie and the others that have gone before him, would definitely want you to be quilting!
I'm sorry about Arnie. Your love for him was clear in your stories and how he was featured on your website.
Gini Ewers
And I know he was aware of my love for him and how happy he made me, all these 17 years. Give your pets an extra hug today.
So, so sorry to hear about Arnie. I, too, had an Arnie-cat. Brave, big boy (part bob-cat)...kidney failure struck in 1998 (anti-freeze in the neighbor's garage). After 5 years of twice-daily i.v.s to keep him "plumped", it was finally time to let him go. He was 19. We 've got 2 lovely kitties now who will leave their own legacies in our hearts...but there will never be another fearless Arnie. Cats! You know, we always think we are taking them in, but really they take us in and own our hearts (and homes!)
Hi Diane, I am so sorry to hear about your kitty! I can relate... I had two cats both of whom lived over 20 years with me. It is a terrible loss. It has been a couple years now, but I finally got two little kittens ... I forgot just how mischievous these little guys can be... but life is better with kitties in them. I hope you will continue to heal from your loss.
I took one of your classes in Brainerd this past Summer... and it changed my life - the way I quilt that is. I have been putting to good use, the quilting stitches I learned - with my Civil War quilt blocks.
I am glad you are quilting again and sharing your expertise with all of us! This new Apple Core pattern looks like a fun one to try out - very soon!
Blessings - Mary
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