If you think it is time for a new book about machine quilting on your home machine, then take a look at Dancing with Thread, by Ann Fahl.
Ann gave me a copy awhile back, and I have so enjoyed going through it, especially liking the beautiful photos of her quilts, great detail shots too.
This is a very complete overview of what it takes to put a big quilt in your home machine and do freehand quilting over it with various threads that make the top come alive. It also describes the process of machine quilting so that you are relaxed and can do your best.
There is a lot of technical info that is helpful too, batts, needles and threads, preparing a quilt, blocking and finishing it. The projects at the end take you from a beginning level up to doing wonderful work.
I know sometimes it seems every day a new book on this subject comes out, but I always pick up something new from each author, a design, a problem-soliving tip, inspiration, and Ann comes through for us with this one. Give it a look.
And keep quilting! Your work gets better every day.
Early Silk Quilt
23 minutes ago
Thanks for sharing. Looks like a new book in my future.
Thank you for sharing. I bought it in ebook form and it is not the same as cuddling up with a real book, especially as sewing machine and computer are at opposite ends of the house.
I guess I would like a quilt book on paper myself, but I imagine this is the way of the future.
This is a beautiful and visually stunning book and I'm sure will be inspiring to artists and machine quilters. I love the cat quilts in it, and Ann's sense of humor comes through nicely too, as well as her common sense, and easy approach.
I have just received my copy and it will definitely be next to my sewing machine as I am just learning to thread paint and need inspiration from a professional. She seems to make it look sooooooo easy.
You might really like Ann's first book, "Coloring with Thread," as it goes into her hoop embroidery, thread painting, etc. It's great too.
Diane, yours was the very first book I read when I decided I wanted to learn to machine quilt (4 years ago). I read it cover to cover. My friend gave it to me and told me I should learn from the best. My goal the first year was to not be embarrassed to give my quilts away. I have achieved that, and while I have still have a long way to go, I am enjoying the journey. Thanks for a great book. I will, however, check out this book :).
Karen, Glad my book helped! The principles of free motion remain the same over the years, only styles, new fabrics, threads change. We have better machines now, better lights, everything, but we still are the pilots here, and have to move the quilt under the needle and make it all turn out.
Ann's book addresses free motion, and maybe her take on it will give you another perspective.
When new books come out, this is a chance to head to a local quilt shop and see them in person, leaf through, read a bit, look at the photos and projects and then decide.
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