Thursday, June 10, 2010

Book is Cat Approved!

Today as I was straightening things up in the bedroom/office, Oliver decided to read Ann Fahl's new book, Dancing with Thread.  When finished he put his "paw of approval" on it, plus I think he loved the colors on the cover, he looks maaaahvelous on these shades.

It's a visually beautiful book, and gets your mind going about new ways to quilt if you are experienced, and for beginners it is an excellent way to learn basics but in a creative way.  Lots of good quilting motifs, but more importantly, how and where to use them.

Ann's style is different from mine, but the methods we use are very similar.  Learn your machine, get the tension right, choose the right batt and needle and thread combo, take your time and let it all flow.  You will love being a free motion machine quilter!

Enjoy these beautiful June days too.  Here in Wisconsin it is one of the prettiest times of the year, everything is green, growing, blooming, reborn.  It uplifts you, and I know it restores our sometimes downtrodden spirits.

Keep quilting!  Your work does get better every day.


SewCalGal said...

Very cute. I sure hope to see Oliver in my Pets & Quilt Show late July/early August! More info on this virtual show soon.

Oliver is so cute, smart and certainly has great taste!

Diane Gaudynski said...

SewCalGal, Be sure and let us know about your show, or post a link.

Oliver definitely is showing his high IQ, and great taste....LOL.

Ann Fahl said...

I am thrilled that Oliver has endorsed my book. Cats everywhere will be going to quilt shops, asking for my book.

Thank you Oliver.

Ann Fahl

p.s. I guess that means there will be more cat hair on quilts too!

Diane Gaudynski said...

I can see long lines of cats, extending out the quilt shop doors, coin purses in paws.....

He really has the best possible taste in quilt books!

Joan from Michigan's Upper Peninsula said...

Diane, you are ever-so-clever. I had my laugh for the day imagining cats in the quilt shops. Are you working on a new quilt these days? If so, I'll be waiting to see photos.

Diane Gaudynski said...

Hi Joan, No new quilt in progress, but I have one all finished in my mind! Now I have to find the perfect color of the perfect fabric for the main part of it and get going before I get sidetracked.

antique quilter said...

well if Oliver loves that book I may just need it don't you think!!!!
I enjoyed your last comment, oh yes I have made many quilts in my head too bad they still are not real!
have a great weekend, hmmm maybe some fabric shopping is in your future!

Diane Gaudynski said...

Kathie, I think it might be easier to become a virtual quilter indeed.

Oliver especially liked Ann's quilts in the book that include her cat Oreo, a black and white tuxedo girl. My very first cat as a grownup was a commandingly large male, black and white tuxedo too, and yes, his name was also Oreo.

He taught me all the proper ways of being owned by a cat for those that followed him.

Laura said...

Oliver is such a cutie!

My FMQ skills finally "clicked" last month, so I'll have to check out this book for more ideas. Of course I already have yours :-).