Our classes in Paducah at the National Quilt Museum have concluded but it might be fun for you to read about one student's experience, especially how she learned to use her provided machine, a different brand than what she herself uses. Mercy sent me her class scribe notes, and she has her own blog, so follow this link to read her delightful report on "The Adventure Continues": http://tropicalapplique.blogspot.com/
Keep quilting!
Yes there is inspiration in places you least expect it :-)
I notice a lot of tile floors for pattern inspiration. Sometimes there's just to much inspiration for time to work on projects.
I know, I see ideas everywhere, all the time. Being a quilter gives us a new outlook on the world around us. But we do have to learn to edit!
My oldest daughter's first home had the original stamped tin ceiling throughout. She fell in love with the house the moment she saw the ceiling from the window. Beautiful design. When they sold the house, she wanted to remove the ceiling and take it with her. LOL
This looks like the ceiling at Cynthi'as restaurant. The class was as awsome as Merci described it. It was an adventure. When I come up for air I will write about it on my blog. Diane has reminded me how much I need to practice now that I have finished the class.
My husband commented on the border design in my latest quilt that it reminds him of pressed tin ceilings! It is quite a feature in old South African houses - we had one in our previous house. I loved lying in bed and tracing the patterns in my mind's eye.
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