We had a tour of a few quilts in the galleries today, and they had free access to the exhibits throughout the time they were here, and oh what beauties are on display! We saw Mariya Waters' Best of Show quilt from this year's AQS show, and Philippa Naylor's 2009 Bernina Award winner, both marvelous designs and amazing machine quilting.
The miniature collection is growing and is as awe-inspiring as ever to see these works of art, done in such a small scale, so perfect, so beautiful. Pieced, appliqued, whole cloth; it's all there. I was able to tell them inside information about my miniature quilt "A Visit to Provence" and my full size quilt, "Shadows of Umbria," both on display.
If you have never been to the museum, check out their website at http://www.quiltmuseum.org/ and get information, because it is well worth the trip.

These quilters were in the very back of the room and laughter kept erupting as running jokes found new outlets for them. The quilting however was beautiful. Lovely, flowing designs, and attention to detail everywhere.
Congratulations class, you did so well, and it was a pleasure to meet and work with all of you.
Keep quilting, your work gets better every day.
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